Edward Perry
He is the only administrator in the charter class. While he was a fine player himself, winning the State Public Links Championship three times and the RIGA Four-Ball title in 1966, with Bruce Morin as his partner, his biggest contributions came in molding the RIGA into a professional organization. Perry was introduced to golf as a caddy at Metacomet, where he spent much time as a youngster, including caddying in the memorable match between Gene Sarazen and Walter Hagen at that course in 1927. He went on to become a member at Metacomet and eventually the club president. His most long lasting contributions to the game came as secretary of the RIGA, then the top official of the organization. He served in the post for 33 years. An executive of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company for many years, and an Army veteran who achieved the rank of Major, he ran RIGA business out of his office. He died in 1994 at age 78.