2017 Team Matches
Thank you to the Clubs, Head Pro's, Club Captains and Club Players for another fantastic season of Team Matches!
Congratulations to all of our 2017 Team Match Champions!
The breakdown of matches and points can be found by clicking each Bowl/Cup name
Pictures of our winning teams are coming soon!
Association Bowl
Congratulations to Crestwood Country Club!
Team of: Theresa Howarth, Doreen Martin, Laura Nesteriak,Tina Sanders, Catherine Parente, Cathy Marshall & Carol Clarey
Baker Bowl
Congratulations to Potowomut Golf Club!
Team of: Becky Moniz, Joanne Zannella, Angela Brunero (Captain) and Marcia Maloney.
Not pictured: Linda Colucci, Rebecca Blough & Raye-Ann Dufer
Fernald Cup
Congratulations to Wanumetonomy G&CC!
Team of: Nancy O'Neill, Bardee Wyer, Jane Lippincott (Captain), Leony Hartig and Maura Overlan
Not pictured: Carla Cook & Maggie Moy
MacColl Cup
Congratulations to Glocester CC!
Team of: Carolyn O'Keefe, Pat Lewis, Kathy Giovine, Nancy Mende, Michelle Dumas, Colette Bruno & Cheryl Jason
This year we began using Golf Genius to run the Team Matches and will be using it again next season to run all of our events. This was a trial run on having scoring done on mobile phones for immediate updates/results. Over the winter we will be working on streamlining this process and making it available for individual score posting, as well. (will keep you updated next season!)
Please click here for Golf Genius Instructions on downloading and using their app for scoring etc.