2021 Women's Archive
MayBest Ball of 4
Newport CC
May 12
Best Ball of 4
Point Judith CC
May 17
2 Best Ball of 4
The Misquamicut Club
May 19
2-person Scramble
Kirkbrae CC
May 25
Alpine CC
June 3
1BB par 3 / 2BB par 4&5
Montaup CC
June 14
Junior/Senior Championship
Pawtucket CC
June 15
Agawam Hunt
June 28-30
Association Bowl / Baker Bowl / Fernald Cup
Association Bowl Champions - Wannamoisett CC
Bake Bowl Champions - Triggs Memorial GC
Fernald Cup Champions - Glocester CC
Women's Amateur Championship
Wanumetonomy G&CC
July 19-23
Best Ball of 2
Wanumetonomy G&CC
July 19
President's Team
Triggs Memorial GC
July 26
Senior Amateur Championship
Alpine CC
August 2
Best Ball of 2
Alpine CC
August 2
Ledgemont CC
August 10
Junior Amateur Championship
Rhode Island CC
August 9-13
Mixed Stroke Play
Potowomut GC
August 16
Best Ball of 4 - AM
Rhode Island CC
August 30
Best Ball of 4 - PM
Rhode Island CC
August 30
Stroke Play Championship
Valley CC
September 14
Best Ball of 2
Valley CC
September 14
2 Best Ball of 4
Quidnessett CC
September 20
1 Best Ball Even / 2 Best Ball Odd
The Aquidneck Club
September 27
Best Ball of 2
Sakonnet GC
September 28
Best Ball of 4
Warwick CC
October 5
Endicott Cup/Tri-State Matches
Wyantenuck CC, MA
October 5-7
Best Ball of 4
Shelter Harbor GC
October 20