
The Rhode Island Golf Association is an association of Member Clubs. Individual members of a member club have the ability to join the RIGA and be eligible to participate in RIGA events. The RIGA conducts championships for Men and Women for higher level golfers and Weekly events that are intended to be more social.

How do I become an RIGA member?

There are different methods available to join the RIGA:

1. For most clubs your membership is included with your club's GHIN fee.

2. For all other RIGA member clubs you'll be able to register online. Clubs that do not include the RIGA membership and will need to pay online are as follows: Connecticut National Golf Club, Crestwood Country Club, New England Country Club, Quinnatisset Country Club and Segregansett Country Club.

3. If you are not a member of a club, you can register for a GHIN below.

Why do I need a handicap?

The USGA handicapping system was developed to allow golfers of varying abilities to play together on equal footing, and having a Handicap Index brands you as a true golfer, not just someone who plays golf. You can track your improvement and compete in tournaments or other more casual outings, many of which ask for a Handicap Index when you register.

"I want to thank you all for your incredible work all year and everything you do to make our golf lives so great. You guys all work incredibly hard and all of us know the dedication you have."

- Michael Hamilton

"I have been playing in RIGA events for over 10 years now and their events are extremely well run and by people who truly care about the game and the folks who play in their events. The RIGA continues to grow and improve in their support for not only its participating players but giving back to the community to help grow the game."

- Michael Hamilton