Member Services
HandicappingMore than 13,000 Rhode Island golfers are served through the USGA’s Golf Handicap and Information Network (GHIN). With over 2 million golfers receiving handicaps, GHIN is the largest provider in the world. The RIGA provides the GHIN software, which includes a comprehensive tournament pairings program, the installation of the software, and any necessary training, as a complimentary service to our RIGA member clubs.
Course RatingAs part of our member services, the RIGA rates Member Club courses in accordance with the USGA Course and Slope Rating System. The USGA requires that all new golf courses be rated every three years for a period of nine years and then every seven to ten years thereafter.
Rules of GolfThe RIGA plays an important part in the Rules of Golf by being the official liaison between the ultimate authority on the Rules, the USGA, and the clubs. During the course of the year, the RIGA answers numerous phone inquiries regarding the Rules. As an additional member service, the RIGA will go to a member club and conduct a Rules seminar for its members for their everyday play.
CommunicationThrough our website and on Social Media, we are able to inform our members as to what is happening in the Rhode Island golfing community and beyond. Schedule, results and general golf news are posted here regularly. Recaps, videos and photo galleries will highlight our events, courses, players and history.
MeetingsAt the end of each season there is an Appreciation Dinner which is the RIGA’s way of thanking the players and all who make the association's season a success. And every few seasons the RIGA will host a club officer’s meeting. This meeting acts as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information pertaining to club operations, facilities, and management procedures. All clubs are encouraged to participate.